Nano Training Series: Week 1
Welcome to's Nano Training Series. Here you will find your lesson for week 1. This week's lesson is going to focus on the 'one step closing system.'
In traditional life insurance and financial planning, there are multiple step in the closing process. You start out with the 'needs analasys' and then move onto the presentation of plans and closing the deal. You may meet with a client 3 times before you even begin to ask for the sale. One thing I love about final expense is the lack of multiple steps in the closing process. I hate wasting time with people who are not going to buy and I would hate even more wasting 2-3 meeting/hours with them before finding out they are not going to buy.
Your responsibility when presenting to a customer is twofold: 1) Find out if they are buying and 2) collect the check if they are.
There is one thing I want you to understand and please get this through your thick skull... THERE IS NO CALL BACK IN FINAL EXPENSE! Seriously, it doesn't exist. You may get 1,000 who say they will call you back but none of them will. In fact, I honestly can't remember the last time somebody did it. So what does that teach us? It teaches us that we have to get a 'YES' or a 'NO' out of the prospect before we leave. Don't be scared of the latter... it is a perfectly good alternative to 'YES' because at least you know where you stand.
This is all great in theory but it doesn't do us any good if we don't apply it. I am going to teach you the one thing necessary to get a solid 'YES' or 'NO' out of the prospect before you leave. Its called the 30-day close.
When they try to put me off until later, I say this:
'Here's how we work that. With any policy you have a 30 right to examine the policy. This allows you to make sure you qualify for it, give you time to read it over, and talk about with _____. If at any time during that 30 days you decide you dont want the policy, simple call me or the company and tell them you decided not to take it. If you cancel you get a full refund of your paid premium.
So do you feel for comfortable with the $5,000 or the $7,000?'
As you know, the prospect has a 30-day right to examine the policy once they receive it in the mail. This is amply time to decide if they want to take the policy or not. 30 days gives them the time to talk to kids, think about it, pray about it or sleep on it. If they still won't even submit an application after giving a risk free 'OUT' for 30 days... they simply are not ready to buy.
Take a second and imagine you switch your role from seller to a consumer. If you were the least bit interested in any item a salesperson was offering wouldn't a 30-day right to cancel be enough for you to at least give it a try?
Dont go anywhere. This is the first of three lessons that is centered around closing the deal on the first visit. Next week, we are going to learn the 'Qualify Close.'
In traditional life insurance and financial planning, there are multiple step in the closing process. You start out with the 'needs analasys' and then move onto the presentation of plans and closing the deal. You may meet with a client 3 times before you even begin to ask for the sale. One thing I love about final expense is the lack of multiple steps in the closing process. I hate wasting time with people who are not going to buy and I would hate even more wasting 2-3 meeting/hours with them before finding out they are not going to buy.
Your responsibility when presenting to a customer is twofold: 1) Find out if they are buying and 2) collect the check if they are.
There is one thing I want you to understand and please get this through your thick skull... THERE IS NO CALL BACK IN FINAL EXPENSE! Seriously, it doesn't exist. You may get 1,000 who say they will call you back but none of them will. In fact, I honestly can't remember the last time somebody did it. So what does that teach us? It teaches us that we have to get a 'YES' or a 'NO' out of the prospect before we leave. Don't be scared of the latter... it is a perfectly good alternative to 'YES' because at least you know where you stand.
This is all great in theory but it doesn't do us any good if we don't apply it. I am going to teach you the one thing necessary to get a solid 'YES' or 'NO' out of the prospect before you leave. Its called the 30-day close.
When they try to put me off until later, I say this:
'Here's how we work that. With any policy you have a 30 right to examine the policy. This allows you to make sure you qualify for it, give you time to read it over, and talk about with _____. If at any time during that 30 days you decide you dont want the policy, simple call me or the company and tell them you decided not to take it. If you cancel you get a full refund of your paid premium.
So do you feel for comfortable with the $5,000 or the $7,000?'
As you know, the prospect has a 30-day right to examine the policy once they receive it in the mail. This is amply time to decide if they want to take the policy or not. 30 days gives them the time to talk to kids, think about it, pray about it or sleep on it. If they still won't even submit an application after giving a risk free 'OUT' for 30 days... they simply are not ready to buy.
Take a second and imagine you switch your role from seller to a consumer. If you were the least bit interested in any item a salesperson was offering wouldn't a 30-day right to cancel be enough for you to at least give it a try?
Dont go anywhere. This is the first of three lessons that is centered around closing the deal on the first visit. Next week, we are going to learn the 'Qualify Close.'