"The Most Complete A-Z Final Expense Training System,
Showing You STEP-BY-STEP How to Make It BIG in the Final Expense Business"
I'm not going to waste a bunch of your time with a 10-page sales letter about how you will make
$1,000,000 in the next 12 months.
$1,000,000 in the next 12 months.
Here's the reality, 6 years ago I was working 100-hours a week and slinging a wrench in Western Colorado. Then one day, my friend introduced me to final expense insurance sales and my life changed. Today, I work 3 days a week and make over 6 figures a year!
Now it is YOUR turn!
Here is what you will learn:
1. Selling strategies of the highest producing final expense agents in the industry 2. How to call and set appointments 3. How to get in 40%-50% of the doors you knock (seriously) 4. The fool proof '5 Step Selling System' 5. How to host senior seminars that pack the room and your wallet 6. Alternatives marketing strategies that cost little to no money 7. How to become known as 'The' expert in your local market 8. How to destroy your competition 9. Everything you need to know about the funeral industry 10. How to overcome ANY objection 11. How to get your insurance license 12. Direct mail marketing tips and strategies |
My going rate right now for one-on-one training is just under $100/hr. With leads, licensing fees, and all the other expenses of getting started in this business a lot of people can't afford that right now.
So let me tell you what I have done. For the cost of only a few direct mail leads you can have access to ALL of my training including all videos, audios, resources, tips, scripts, doubt resolution, and techniques. So whether you are just starting out or you have years in the business, we can get you to the next level... Guaranteed! Try it for 30 days and if you don't think it is worth 10X your initial investment, let me know and you will receive a full refund... GUARANTEED! |
Check out what you get!
Platinum Final Expense Training Series A-Z (6 month membership)
List Price: $197
Only: $97
No monthly membership! No recurring payment!
FE Super Star Training

The FE Superstar Training is one of the most useful benefits of the Platinum membership. Here, you will find hours of training videos covering everything from door approaches to closing techniques. Not only will you learn what to say, but you will learn how to say it and it is all presented to you in bit size chunks. Videos cover:
- 5 Step Sales Approach
- Door Approaches
- Overcoming Objections
- Sales Techniques
- How to get referrals
- More...
Cody's Resource Rolodex

Over the years I have found many resources that have helped me achieve a higher level of sales excellence. My hours, days, and weeks of research have being handed over to you in one useful rolodex under the 'Radical Resources' tab of your membership. There you will find:
- Websites for your business and reference
- The best books I have ever found on the subject of sales, funerals, business, and more.
- Reference articles you need to use in your sales presentation
- Informative blogs
- Training material resources
Doubt Resolution Made Easy (Audio)
One of the biggest struggles any new Final Expense Superstar suffers with is resolving doubts and overcoming objections. With the audio "Doubt Resolution Made Easy," you can learn everything you need to say and do in order to overcome those nasty objections. You will learn how to respond to the following objections:
Superstar Marketing Series:
9 Marketing Strategies You Can Use Today!
9 Marketing Strategies You Can Use Today!
The Superstar Marketing Series will teach you several techniques used by master marketers all over the world. These techniques will get you in front of more customers, save you money on lead generation, and make the overall sales process virtually effortless. You will learn:
60- Days to Expert Status
Everybody knows that people buy from salesmen they like AND trust. 60-Days to Expert Status gives you all the tools necessary to establish yourself as the TRUSTED expert in your geographical area. You will learn:
Funerals 101:
Everything You Need to Know About the Funeral Industry
Everything You Need to Know About the Funeral Industry
As a Final Expense Superstar, you need to know everything there is to know about the funeral industry. In fact, the more you know... the more prepared you will be to be an expert and trusted adviser. Funerals 101 will teach you:
$97... That’s roughly the cost of a few direct mail leads and lets be honest… you are going to spend hundreds or even thousands getting set up in the final expense business anyway. What’s $97 to make sure you make a profit from day 1?
Because if I can show you how to close just one more sale in the next 12 months… your entire membership has paid for itself. And I KNOW, what I teach you will help you close at least one more sale this week.
No pressure, you decide if the investment is worth the cost of a few direct mail leads, but frankly… you’d be crazy not to at least try it! And remember, you have the 30-day money back guarantee!
This is a charter membership so the only way to guarantee and lock in this excellent value is to join today. Its risk free and you have nothing to lose.
Because if I can show you how to close just one more sale in the next 12 months… your entire membership has paid for itself. And I KNOW, what I teach you will help you close at least one more sale this week.
No pressure, you decide if the investment is worth the cost of a few direct mail leads, but frankly… you’d be crazy not to at least try it! And remember, you have the 30-day money back guarantee!
This is a charter membership so the only way to guarantee and lock in this excellent value is to join today. Its risk free and you have nothing to lose.
Try the FE Superstar Membership For JUST $97 NOW
Platinum Final Expense Training Series A-Z (6 month membership)
List Price: $197.oo
Only: $97
List Price: $197.oo
Only: $97